Common mistakes to avoid when looking for a new attorney job

At Legacy Staffing Associates, our mission is to set you up for success as we help you navigate the attorney job market. From our ini>al phone call with you to the point of accep>ng an offer, we strive to add value in every step along the way. We become a cohesive team relying on each other and in some aspects, we need your help. Here are some key points we feel will improve your candidacy. 

  • Do not quit your current job yet

Don’t leave your job without having another opportunity secured. We understand your job may become burdensome but explaining your reasoning for leaving your previous position in an interview without a new job already secured, is an unnecessary obstacle.

  • Know your interviewer 

Know as much as you can about the firm you’re scheduled to interview with. Their Attorneys, their job opportunity and the job description. We are here to help by providing necessary details and helpful insight. Create me for your job search. We treat your job search very seriously, so we ask that you kindly reciprocate by making yourself available to communicate with us and interview when needed. Remember, we are here to supplement your search and do so by adding as much of the heavy lifting as possible. 

  • Research you desired position 

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